UTS - Self Paced Learning

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Thursday, August 11, 2022



·        A 100-watt audio amplifier has a power gain ratio of 30dB. What will be its maximum input value.

·        An audio amplifier delivers 100 watts into an 8 ohm speaker load when fed by a 100mW input signal. Calculate the power gain of the amplifier in decibels.

·        A passive resistive network is used to provide an attenuation (loss) of 10dB, with an input voltage is 12V. What will be the networks output voltage value.

·        If x(n)=cosω0n and W(ω) is the Fourier transform of the rectangular signal w(n), then what is the Fourier transform of the signal x(n).w(n)?

·        If x(n)=xR(n)+jxI(n) is a complex sequence whose Fourier transform is given as X(ω)=XR(ω)+jXI(ω), then what is the value of XR(ω)?

·        A 5 bit ladder has digital input of 11010.assuming that 0 corresponds to 0v and 1 corresponding to 10V its output voltage will be.

·        A 6 bit ladder has a digital /analog converter has maximum output of .the output for the input 101011 approximately.

·        For a periodic signal v(t) = 30 sin 100t + 10cos 300t + 6sin (500t+π/4), the fundamental frequency in rad/s is __________.

·        For a bit-rate of 8 kbps, the best possible values of the transmitted frequencies in a coherent binary FSK system are?

·        For a given data rate, the bandwidth Bp of a BPSK signal and the band width B0 of the OOK signal are related as?

·        If g(n) is a real valued sequence of 2N points and x1(n)=g(2n) and x2(n)=g(2n+1), then what is the value of G(k), k=0,1,2…N-1?

·        How many complex multiplications are need to be performed for each FFT algorithm?

·        How many complex additions are required to be performed in linear filtering of a sequence using FFT algorithm?